2025 TAIPEI CYCLE Green Forward

Green Forward

關於永續前行 About Green Forward

Green Forward 活動旨在推廣ESG(環境保護E,environment、社會責任S,social和公司治理G,governance,又稱永續投資)綠色產能,鼓勵並支持企業採取永續的經營模式。透過此活動,號召參展商一同成為永續活動的一份子,提升參與企業在永續發展領域的知名度,並為獲選廠商提供額外的主題式行銷資源,增強其市場競爭力及社會影響力。
今年Taipei Cycle 攜手策略夥伴 SGS台灣檢驗科技,嚴選 35 家在 ESG 實踐上表現卓越的參展商,並精心策劃 Green Forward 永續前行導覽地圖,帶領業界與參觀者探索最具代表性的綠色企業,共同邁向永續未來!
Our mission is to promote ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) green capabilities, encouraging and supporting companies to adopt sustainable business practices. Through this initiative, we aim to rally exhibitors to join our sustainability movement, enhancing their visibility in the field of sustainable development. We will provide selected companies with additional thematic marketing resources, boosting their market competitiveness and social impact.
This year, TAIPEI CYCLE has partnered with SGS Taiwan to carefully select 35 exhibitors that have demonstrated outstanding ESG practices. Together, we have curated the Green Forward Sustainability Tour Map, guiding industry professionals and visitors through the most exemplary green enterprises, paving the way toward a sustainable future!

導覽地圖 Exhibit Guide Map
Exhibit Guide Map
Exhibit Guide Map1 Exhibit Guide Map2 Exhibit Guide Map3

2025 TAIPEI CYCLE 精選ESG企業 2025 TAIPEI CYCLE ESG Featured Exhibitors

—— 永續產業具體條件列舉說明 —— —— Specific Conditions in Sustainable Industrie ——

能源效率 Energy Efficiency

  • 採用高效能的能源管理系統 Implementation of high-performance energy management systems.
  • 減少能源消耗並提升能源使用效率 Reduction of energy consumption and improvement of energy use efficiency.
可再生能源 Renewable Energy
  • 增加可再生能源的使用比例,如太陽能、風能、水能、生物質能等 Increase in the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydro, and biomass energy.
  • 具備可再生能源的生產或使用計畫 Possession of plans for the production or use of renewable energy.
資源利用 Resource Utilization
  • 高效利用資源,減少資源浪費 Efficient use of resources to minimize waste.
  • 推行循環經濟模式,如資源回收再利用 Promotion of a circular economy model, such as resource recycling and reuse.
污染控制 Pollution Control
  • 採用先進的污染控制技術,減少排放物 Adoption of advanced pollution control technologies to reduce emissions.
  • 嚴格監控和管理廢水、廢氣和固體廢物的排放 Strict monitoring and management of wastewater, waste gas, and solid waste emissions.
產品設計 Product Design
  • 產品設計考慮全生命周期的環境影響,推行永續設計理念 Consideration of environmental impact throughout the product lifecycle, promoting sustainable design concepts.
  • 提供環保產品或服務,如低碳產品、無毒無害產品等 Provision of eco-friendly products or services, such as low-carbon products and non-toxic, harmless products.
永續供應鏈 Sustainable Supply Chai
  • 推動供應鏈上下游企業共同實現綠色轉型 Promotion of green transformation among upstream and downstream enterprises in the supply chain.
  • 在採購過程中優先選擇符合永續的供應商 Preference for sustainable suppliers in procurement processes.
環境管理 Environmental Management
  • 建立完善的環境管理體系,如ISO 14001認證 Establishment of a comprehensive environmental management system, such as ISO 14001 certification.
  • 定期進行環境績效評估和報告 Regular assessment and reporting of environmental performance.
創新與技術 Innovation and Technology
  • 投入永續技術研發,提升企業的技術創新能力 Investment in sustainable technology research and development to enhance technical innovation.
  • 採用先進的環保技術和工藝 Adoption of advanced environmental technologies and processes.
員工參與 Employee Engagement
  • 升員工的環保意識,鼓勵員工參與永續行動 Enhancement of employees’ environmental awareness and encouragement of participation in sustainable actions.
  • 提供環保教育和培訓計畫 Provision of environmental education and training programs.
社會責任 10. Social Responsibility
  • 積極參與社區和社會的環保活動 Active participation in community and social environmental protection activities.
  • 與相關組織和機構合作,共同推動綠色永續發展 Collaboration with relevant organizations and institutions to promote green sustainable development.