Green Forward 活動旨在推廣ESG(環境保護E,environment、社會責任S,social和公司治理G,governance,又稱永續投資)綠色產能,鼓勵並支持企業採取永續的經營模式。透過此活動,號召參展商一同成為永續活動的一份子,提升參與企業在永續發展領域的知名度,並為獲選廠商提供額外的主題式行銷資源,增強其市場競爭力及社會影響力。
今年Taipei Cycle 攜手策略夥伴 SGS台灣檢驗科技,嚴選 35 家在 ESG 實踐上表現卓越的參展商,並精心策劃 Green Forward 永續前行導覽地圖,帶領業界與參觀者探索最具代表性的綠色企業,共同邁向永續未來!
Our mission is to promote ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) green capabilities, encouraging and supporting companies to adopt sustainable business practices. Through this initiative, we aim to rally exhibitors to join our sustainability movement, enhancing their visibility in the field of sustainable development. We will provide selected companies with additional thematic marketing resources, boosting their market competitiveness and social impact.
This year, TAIPEI CYCLE has partnered with SGS Taiwan to carefully select 35 exhibitors that have demonstrated outstanding ESG practices. Together, we have curated the Green Forward Sustainability Tour Map, guiding industry professionals and visitors through the most exemplary green enterprises, paving the way toward a sustainable future!